One Scary Reason You Should Never Sleep With Your Wi-Fi Or Bluetooth On

Many of us live on our electronic devices all day long. We may spend a lot of time scrolling through social media on our phones, working on the computer, and hanging out on a tablet.

Although this is a way of life for many of us, it doesn’t mean that there are not any dangers associated with it. This includes the fact that there may be dangers lurking in the background that could be significant.

First of all, this is a situation that some people are aware of but very few people do anything about. It has to do with the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth settings on your device.
When you sleep at night, how close is your device to you? Many of us sleep with our smartphone on the nightstand beside us or it may even be in bed with us where we can reach it more easily.

The last thing that any of us probably do before drifting off to sleep is turn off our Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. According to many experts, however, it is a step that you should take in your nighttime routine.

There are actually a number of reasons why you should be turning off your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when going to bed. First of all, it wastes your battery life because they use a lot of power and it is not necessary to use that power while you are sleeping and not using your smartphone.

There is another reason, however, that many people don’t consider. It’s the possibility that Wi-Fi is bad for your health.

Wi-Fi has been around since 1997 and since that time, it has grown to be in almost every corner of our lives. We sometimes can’t even function properly without it, but it is potentially dangerous.

Experts are now saying that Wi-Fi can affect your health in general. It is especially bad if you are a child and are constantly exposed to Wi-Fi.

In the end, it is really up to you to decide whether you want to turn off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth or not. When you really stop to think about it, however, taking a moment to do so before you fall asleep is something that can help you and your family.

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